
kelli tyler

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt


Hunting a Christmas tree is not taken lightly in our family. Thankfully I was able to participate in-person (not via FaceTime) for the first time in several years!


Growing up this tradition was always one of my favorites. We never went before Thanksgiving because having a live pine tree in your home for more than 30 days is a recipe for disaster. Imagine Uncle Lewis standing next to your tree (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation reference). Typically we went the weekend after and it was always right around my birthday, it was a fabulous way to celebrate every year. Not to mention it gave me the upper hand in selecting ‘THE’ tree.




Now when we found ‘THE’ tree it wasn’t always an easy task of getting it cut down and loaded in the pickup. We fought the rain, sleek, snow and one (HORRIBLE) year we had so much ice hanging off the tree! It took that particular tree a couple of hours to defrost, and a week for the carpet to dry out. Then there was the year my mother was hobbling around the Christmas tree farm on crutches because she had broken her foot during a rowdy game of Pictionary. Just don’t ask. Soo many questions here.




Every year the trimmings change. Although I believe there are some ornaments and garland from the 90’s, my mom is rather crafty. I can’t wait to keep this tradition up as we travel back and fourth to the mitten with the little man. Truly memories I will never forget.


It’s so nice to finally meet you. With over 10 years of photography experience, my camera has transformed the way I view this beautiful world. Capturing your real moments with the click of a photograph ignites a fire deep within me.



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