Yep. It’s time. I have thought about blogging for LITERALLY a decade. I have bought domains, started websites, journaled countless ideas all to create nothing of actual substance. If you know me, you know it’s not due to a lack of confidence (not cocky, just truthful). I can’t blame it on lack of time because that is to cliche, so I am just going to be honest here, it’s moral laziness. And I’m done. it’s time to do what I have been bouncing around in my head and get it out there.
It’s time to dive headfirst. Headfirst has always been my go-to when jumping into something. Sometimes it’s been the best decision I could have ever made and other times it has not but no matter what it’s the only way to ensure water doesn’t go directly up my nose and into my sinus cavity.
That’s great, Kel! Soooo, what can we expect to see? Well, honestly I don’t know! I am going to label this place as a digital journal. Simply put it’s going to be a place where I can share my photography, thoughts, and daydreams. Hopefully, there will be something here to peak your interest from time to time.
Thanks for being here, cheers!